Care and Compatibility of Royal Gramma - Gramma loreto


Gramma loreto, commonly known as the royal gramma, is a species of fish native to the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico. It is characterized by its vibrant purple and yellow coloration, with a dark stripe running through the eye. They are small, peaceful fish that can adapt well to community aquariums.


Gramma loreto is a peaceful and sociable fish that typically swims near rocks and caves in the aquarium. They are territorial to some extent and may defend their space from other fish, but they are generally tolerant of tank mates.

Sexual Dimorphism

Sexual dimorphism in Gramma loreto is not very pronounced. Both sexes have a similar appearance, although males may be slightly larger and have a more pointed dorsal fin.


Breeding Gramma loreto in the aquarium is possible but rare. They are free-spawning egg scatterers that may release their eggs into the water column. Parents do not provide parental care, and eggs and larvae are likely to be consumed by other fish in the aquarium.

Aquarium Conditions

To keep Gramma loreto in the aquarium, a tank with rocks and caves to provide hiding places and territory is recommended. They prefer clean, well-oxygenated water with a temperature between 24°C and 27°C.


Gramma loreto is an opportunistic omnivore that feeds on a variety of foods, including small crustaceans, zooplankton, and algae. In the aquarium, they will accept flakes, pellets, frozen, and live foods.


Gramma loreto is relatively easy to care for in the aquarium and is suitable for beginner aquarists. They are peaceful fish that adapt well to community aquariums with other similarly sized species.

In case you need more help, or if you want to know into any topic related to the Gramma loreto (Royal Gramma) and even any other species you can use the forums to ask what you need.

To do an analysis more detailed about coexistence and behavior of Gramma loreto (Royal Gramma) use the Aquarium simulation tool, if you do this you can test different ways to combine the Royal Gramma with other fishes giving the dimensions and space on you aquarium, on this way you can known the optimal configuration for keep the fishes that you want.

You can also find out the 2 species compatible with the Gramma loreto (Royal Gramma) can live together.

Note: The parameters of the water such as PH and temperature are also used to calculate the compatibility of the species.

Compatible species (2)

Compatible (1 Species)

Compatible without any restriction

Royal Gramma - Gramma loreto

Royal Gramma

Gramma loreto

Similar Sizes (1 Species)

They can coexist if they are the same size or very similar sizes, it does not work in all cases, there may be exceptions.

Threadfin Butterflyfish - Chaetodon auriga

Threadfin Butterflyfish

Chaetodon auriga

Royal Gramma

Gramma loreto

Royal Gramma - Gramma loreto
  • Ph: 8.1 - 8.4
  • Temperature (c°): 24 - 27
  • Measures: 5 cm - 8cm
  • Aquarium Capacity:
    12 Liters - 3 Gallons
  • Aquarium Preference: Caves, Rocks
  • Behavior: Active, Peaceful
  • Feeding: Omnivores
  • Habitat: American
  • Morphology: Bright colors
  • Motion: Normal
  • Size: Small
  • Swimming area: Swim in the middle of the aquarium
  • Taxonomy: Fish
  • Water Type: Saltwater