Care and Compatibility of False Discus - Heros severus


The Heros severus, also known as the False Discus or Severum, is a species of freshwater fish native to South America. It has an oval-shaped and laterally compressed body, with a coloration that can range from olive green to gray or brown. It reaches a maximum size of approximately 15-20 centimeters in captivity. Although its appearance resembles that of a Discus fish, it is not as demanding in terms of water requirements and feeding.


The Heros severus, commonly known as the False Discus or Severum, is a species of fish with a calm and territorial behavior. Although its appearance resembles that of a Discus fish, it does not belong to the same family. It is a peaceful fish but can become aggressive if it feels threatened or if there is competition for territory. It is recommended to keep them in adequately sized aquariums to provide them with space to swim and establish their territory. Additionally, it is important to provide them with hiding spots and structures to make them feel secure.

Sexual Dimorphism

Sexual dimorphism in Heros severus is evident. Males are typically larger and more colorful, with elongated fins. Females are generally smaller and have duller colors. During breeding, males may exhibit more pronounced territorial and courtship behavior.


Reproduction of the False Discus can be challenging and requires specific conditions. It is an egg-laying fish, and the males are responsible for building nests to deposit the eggs. After spawning, the parents may exhibit territorial behavior and protect the eggs and fry. It is advisable to have a separate breeding tank to raise and protect the fry. Successful reproduction may require clean and well-oxygenated water, as well as proper feeding. If you are interested in breeding this species, it is recommended to further research and seek advice from experienced aquarium hobbyists.

Aquarium Conditions

Heros severus, commonly known as severum cichlid or hero cichlid, requires a spacious aquarium with rocks, driftwood, and hiding spots. It prefers neutral to slightly alkaline water. Aquarium décor should include hardy plants and stacked rocks. Maintaining water quality is crucial and providing a varied diet.


The False Discus is omnivorous and feeds on a variety of foods. In its natural habitat, it primarily feeds on small invertebrates, crustaceans, insects, and larvae. In the aquarium, it will accept commercial foods in the form of flakes, pellets, and live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, and mosquito larvae. Vegetable-based foods such as spinach or cooked and peeled peas can also be provided. It is recommended to feed them several times a day in small quantities to maintain their health and vitality.


Caring for Heros severus can be moderately challenging. They are territorial fish that may show aggression towards other fish, especially during breeding. It's recommended to keep them in pairs or groups with enough space and hiding spots. They require a balanced diet and a well-maintained environment.

In case you need more help, or if you want to know into any topic related to the Heros severus (False Discus) and even any other species you can use the forums to ask what you need.

To do an analysis more detailed about coexistence and behavior of Heros severus (False Discus) use the Aquarium simulation tool, if you do this you can test different ways to combine the False Discus with other fishes giving the dimensions and space on you aquarium, on this way you can known the optimal configuration for keep the fishes that you want.

You can also find out the 43 species compatible with the Heros severus (False Discus) can live together.

Note: The parameters of the water such as PH and temperature are also used to calculate the compatibility of the species.

Compatible species (43)

Compatible (11 Species)

Compatible without any restriction

Altum Angelfish - Pterophyllum altum

Altum Angelfish

Pterophyllum altum

Red Rainbowfish - Glossolepis incisus

Red Rainbowfish

Glossolepis incisus

Stick Catfish - Farlowella acus

Stick Catfish

Farlowella acus

Mije Fish - Leporinus fasciatus

Mije Fish

Leporinus fasciatus

Empire Gudgeon - Hypseleotris compressa

Empire Gudgeon

Hypseleotris compressa

Upside-Down Catfish - Synodontis nigriventris

Upside-Down Catfish

Synodontis nigriventris

Striped Raphael Catfish - Platydoras costatus

Striped Raphael Catfish

Platydoras costatus

Galaxy Plecostomus - Leporacanthicus sp L240

Galaxy Plecostomus

Leporacanthicus sp L240

Dwarf marbled catfish - Microglanis poecilus

Dwarf marbled catfish

Microglanis poecilus

Serpae Tetra - Hyphessobrycon Eques

Serpae Tetra

Hyphessobrycon Eques

Similar Sizes (6 Species)

They can coexist if they are the same size or very similar sizes, it does not work in all cases, there may be exceptions.

Semifasciolatus Barb - Puntius semifasciolatus

Semifasciolatus Barb

Puntius semifasciolatus

Moenkhausia Pittieri - Moenkhausia pittieri

Moenkhausia Pittieri

Moenkhausia pittieri

Dwarf Tetra - Hasemania nana

Dwarf Tetra

Hasemania nana

Forktail Blue-Eye - Pseudomugil furcatus

Forktail Blue-Eye

Pseudomugil furcatus

Espei Rasbora - Trigonostigma espei

Espei Rasbora

Trigonostigma espei

Black Phantom Tetra - Hyphessobrycon Megalopterus

Black Phantom Tetra

Hyphessobrycon Megalopterus

With Reservation (2 Species)

Compatible in some cases, it depends on the nature and personality of the fish.

German Blue Ram - Microgeophagus ramirezi

German Blue Ram

Microgeophagus ramirezi

Paradise Fish - Macropodus Opercularis

Paradise Fish

Macropodus Opercularis

Showdown over territory (4 Species)

Fish can live together as long as the space is spacious enough to delimit a territory, otherwise there may be aggressions for competing for the territory.

Sun Catfish - Horabagrus brachysoma

Sun Catfish

Horabagrus brachysoma

Kribensis Cichlid - Pelvicachromis pulcher

Kribensis Cichlid

Pelvicachromis pulcher

Gray bichir - Polypterus senegalus

Gray bichir

Polypterus senegalus

Clown Loach - Chromobotia macracanthus

Clown Loach

Chromobotia macracanthus

Considerable size difference (12 Species)

They can coexist while they are similar in size or the size difference is not very abysmal, since as the fish grows it increases the chances of eating its partner that did not grow much.

Congo Tetra - Phenacogrammus interruptus

Congo Tetra

Phenacogrammus interruptus

Stiphodon Ornatus - Stiphodon ornatus

Stiphodon Ornatus

Stiphodon ornatus

Anentome Helena - Anentome helena

Anentome Helena

Anentome helena

Lemon Tetra - Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis

Lemon Tetra

Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis

Cardinal Tetra - Paracheirodon axelrodi

Cardinal Tetra

Paracheirodon axelrodi

Otocinclus Catfish - Otocinclus Affinis

Otocinclus Catfish

Otocinclus Affinis

Harlequin Rasbora - Trigonostigma Heteromorpha

Harlequin Rasbora

Trigonostigma Heteromorpha

Goldeneye Dwarf Cichlid - Nannacara anomala

Goldeneye Dwarf Cichlid

Nannacara anomala

Ember Tetra - Hyphessobrycon Amandae

Ember Tetra

Hyphessobrycon Amandae

Boraras Brigittae Fish - Boraras Brigittae

Boraras Brigittae Fish

Boraras Brigittae

Filamented Rainbowfish - Iriatherina Werneri

Filamented Rainbowfish

Iriatherina Werneri

Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid - Apistogramma viejita

Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid

Apistogramma viejita

Compatible if space is enough (8 Species)

They can coexist together if the aquarium they share is large and spacious enough for both species to feel good, as some fish may attack others to feel that they have little space and try to eliminate the competition.

False Discus - Heros severus

False Discus

Heros severus

Silver Dollar Fish - Metynnis argenteus

Silver Dollar Fish

Metynnis argenteus

Dwarf Cichlid - Apistogramma borellii

Dwarf Cichlid

Apistogramma borellii

Filamentous Tetra - Dicrossus filamentosus

Filamentous Tetra

Dicrossus filamentosus

Blue Acara - Satanoperca daemon

Blue Acara

Satanoperca daemon

Jewel Cichlid - Hemichromis lifalili

Jewel Cichlid

Hemichromis lifalili

Discus fish - Symphysodon aequifasciatus

Discus fish

Symphysodon aequifasciatus

Freshwater angelfish - Pterophyllum scalare

Freshwater angelfish

Pterophyllum scalare

False Discus

Heros severus

False Discus - Heros severus
  • Ph: 5 - 6.3
  • Temperature (c°): 23 - 29
  • Measures: 17 cm - 20cm
  • Aquarium Capacity:
    30 Liters - 8 Gallons
  • Alimentación: Carnivores, Omnivores
  • Colores: Orange, Red
  • Comportamiento: Likes to take refuge, Peaceful, Semi Aggressive, Territorial
  • Habitad: American
  • Preferencias del Acuario: Natural plants, Rocks
  • Tamaño: Medium
  • Taxonomía: Cichlids
  • Tipo de Agua: Sweet water, Tropical waters
  • Velocidad de nado o movimiento: Normal
  • Zona de Nado: Swim in the middle of the aquarium