Care and Compatibility of Butterfly Loach - Beaufortia leveretti


The Beaufortia leveretti, also known as the Butterfly Loach, is a species of loach fish native to rivers and streams in Asia. It gets its common name due to its unique appearance, resembling a butterfly. They have an elongated and slender body, with a light brown or grayish coloration and speckled patterns. They are small fish, reaching a maximum length of around 10 centimeters. They are known for their peaceful and shy behavior, preferring to spend most of their time foraging for food among rocks and substrate in the aquarium. They are excellent algae eaters and can help maintain a healthy balance in the aquarium by consuming unwanted algae. In addition to algae, they also feed on small organisms and leftover food. They are active during the day and prefer moderate lighting in the aquarium. To provide them with a suitable environment, it is recommended to have enough hiding places such as caves or logs where they can take shelter and explore. They are hardy fish and can adapt to a variety of water conditions, but it is important to maintain good water quality and perform regular water changes to ensure their well-being.


The Beaufortia leveretti, commonly known as the Butterfly Loach, is a species of loach fish found in rivers and streams of Asia. They are peaceful and shy fish, spending most of their time foraging for food among rocks and substrate in the aquarium. They are excellent algae eaters and can help control excessive algae growth in the aquarium. They also feed on small organisms and leftover food. They are active during the day and prefer moderate lighting in the aquarium. To create a suitable environment, it is recommended to provide them with enough hiding places such as caves or logs where they can take shelter and explore. They are hardy fish and tolerate a range of water conditions, but it is important to maintain good water quality and perform regular water changes to ensure their well-being.

Sexual Dimorphism

Sexual dimorphism in Beaufortia leveretti is minimal and difficult to distinguish. Both males and females have a similar appearance. During breeding season, they may exhibit more pronounced territorial behavior.


The reproduction of Beaufortia leveretti in the aquarium environment can be challenging due to their shy behavior and the lack of specific information about their captive breeding. In their natural habitat, it is believed that they spawn in shallow areas with sandy substrate and dense vegetation. During courtship, males may exhibit territorial behavior and display more intense colors. Females have been observed depositing eggs in the substrate, and males fertilizing the eggs. Once the eggs are fertilized, it is possible that the parents do not provide parental care, and the eggs hatch in a few days, releasing fry that will need to find their own food. It is important to provide a suitable environment with appropriate substrate and hiding places where the fry can take shelter and forage for food. Since breeding in the aquarium environment can be complex, many aquarists rely on selective breeding or acquiring juvenile specimens from reputable sources.

Aquarium Conditions

Beaufortia leveretti, commonly known as hillstream loach or fan-tailed hillstream loach, is a bottom-dwelling fish that requires a spacious aquarium with rocks, driftwood, and hiding spots. It prefers soft and slightly acidic water. Aquarium décor should include sandy substrate and places to burrow. Maintaining water quality is crucial and providing a varied diet.


The Beaufortia leveretti is a loach fish that primarily feeds on algae. They are excellent algae eaters and can help maintain a healthy balance in the aquarium by consuming unwanted algae. In addition to algae, they also feed on small organisms and leftover food in the aquarium. They can accept dry foods such as specific loach pellets or flakes, as well as fresh or frozen foods such as spirulina, nori algae, brine shrimp, and mosquito larvae. It is recommended to provide them with a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods to ensure their proper nutrition. It is advisable to feed them once or twice a day in portions that they can consume within a few minutes.


Caring for Beaufortia leveretti can be moderately challenging. They are territorial fish that may show aggression towards other fish of the same species, especially during breeding. It's recommended to keep them in groups of at least three individuals to distribute aggression. They require a well-established aquarium and a balanced diet.

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To do an analysis more detailed about coexistence and behavior of Beaufortia leveretti (Butterfly Loach) use the Aquarium simulation tool, if you do this you can test different ways to combine the Butterfly Loach with other fishes giving the dimensions and space on you aquarium, on this way you can known the optimal configuration for keep the fishes that you want.

You can also find out the 97 species compatible with the Beaufortia leveretti (Butterfly Loach) can live together.

Note: The parameters of the water such as PH and temperature are also used to calculate the compatibility of the species.

Compatible species (97)

Compatible (40 Species)

Compatible without any restriction

Freshwater angelfish - Pterophyllum scalare

Freshwater angelfish

Pterophyllum scalare

Veil tail Goldfish - Carassius auratus I

Veil tail Goldfish

Carassius auratus I

Guppy fish - Poecilia reticulata

Guppy fish

Poecilia reticulata

Swordtail fish - Xiphophorus hellerii

Swordtail fish

Xiphophorus hellerii

Neon tetra fish - Paracheirodon innesi

Neon tetra fish

Paracheirodon innesi

Tiger Barb - Puntius tetrazona

Tiger Barb

Puntius tetrazona

Bleeding Heart Tetra - Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma

Bleeding Heart Tetra

Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma

Molly fish - Poecilia sphenops

Molly fish

Poecilia sphenops

Telescope goldfish - Carassius auratus II

Telescope goldfish

Carassius auratus II

Comet Goldfish - Carassius auratus III

Comet Goldfish

Carassius auratus III

Dwarf Gourami - Colisa lalia

Dwarf Gourami

Colisa lalia

Zebrafish - Danio rerio


Danio rerio

Severum Cichlid - Heros efasciatus

Severum Cichlid

Heros efasciatus

Platy Fish - Xiphophorus maculatus

Platy Fish

Xiphophorus maculatus

Galaxy Rasbora - Danio margaritatus

Galaxy Rasbora

Danio margaritatus

Glassy Perchlet - Parambassis ranga

Glassy Perchlet

Parambassis ranga

Glowlight Tetra - Hemigrammus Erythrozonus

Glowlight Tetra

Hemigrammus Erythrozonus

Chinese Neon Tetra - Tanichthys albonubes

Chinese Neon Tetra

Tanichthys albonubes

Red-eyed Tetra - Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae

Red-eyed Tetra

Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae

Black Neon Tetra - Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi

Black Neon Tetra

Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi

Otocinclus Catfish - Otocinclus Affinis

Otocinclus Catfish

Otocinclus Affinis

Silver Dollar Fish - Metynnis argenteus

Silver Dollar Fish

Metynnis argenteus

Harlequin Rasbora - Trigonostigma Heteromorpha

Harlequin Rasbora

Trigonostigma Heteromorpha

Serpae Tetra - Hyphessobrycon Eques

Serpae Tetra

Hyphessobrycon Eques

Apple Snail - Pomacea bridgesii

Apple Snail

Pomacea bridgesii

Emperor Tetra - Nematobrycon Palmeri

Emperor Tetra

Nematobrycon Palmeri

Goldeneye Dwarf Cichlid - Nannacara anomala

Goldeneye Dwarf Cichlid

Nannacara anomala

Ember Tetra - Hyphessobrycon Amandae

Ember Tetra

Hyphessobrycon Amandae

Three lined Pencilfish - Nannostomus Trifasciatus

Three lined Pencilfish

Nannostomus Trifasciatus

Boeseman's Rainbowfish - Melanotaenia Boesemani

Boeseman's Rainbowfish

Melanotaenia Boesemani

Glass Catfish - Kryptopterus bicirrhis

Glass Catfish

Kryptopterus bicirrhis

Denison Barb - Puntius denisonii

Denison Barb

Puntius denisonii

Upside-Down Catfish - Synodontis nigriventris

Upside-Down Catfish

Synodontis nigriventris

Empire Gudgeon - Hypseleotris compressa

Empire Gudgeon

Hypseleotris compressa

Mije Fish - Leporinus fasciatus

Mije Fish

Leporinus fasciatus

Stick Catfish - Farlowella acus

Stick Catfish

Farlowella acus

Red Rainbowfish - Glossolepis incisus

Red Rainbowfish

Glossolepis incisus

Pearlscale Goldfish - Carassius auratus VI

Pearlscale Goldfish

Carassius auratus VI

Weather Loach - Misgurnus spp

Weather Loach

Misgurnus spp

Similar Sizes (11 Species)

They can coexist if they are the same size or very similar sizes, it does not work in all cases, there may be exceptions.

Kissing Gourami - Helostoma temminckii

Kissing Gourami

Helostoma temminckii

Black Phantom Tetra - Hyphessobrycon Megalopterus

Black Phantom Tetra

Hyphessobrycon Megalopterus

Forktail Blue-Eye - Pseudomugil furcatus

Forktail Blue-Eye

Pseudomugil furcatus

Blue-Eyed Pseudomugil - Pseudomugil paskai

Blue-Eyed Pseudomugil

Pseudomugil paskai

Pictus Catfish - Pimelodus pictus

Pictus Catfish

Pimelodus pictus

Dwarf Tetra - Hasemania nana

Dwarf Tetra

Hasemania nana

Semifasciolatus Barb - Puntius semifasciolatus

Semifasciolatus Barb

Puntius semifasciolatus

Moenkhausia Pittieri - Moenkhausia pittieri

Moenkhausia Pittieri

Moenkhausia pittieri

Bamboo Shrimp - Atyopsis moluccensis

Bamboo Shrimp

Atyopsis moluccensis

Spotted Dora Catfish - Agamyxus pectinifrons

Spotted Dora Catfish

Agamyxus pectinifrons

Pez ventosa de borneo - Sewellia lineolata

Pez ventosa de borneo

Sewellia lineolata

With Reservation (3 Species)

Compatible in some cases, it depends on the nature and personality of the fish.

Siamese Algae Eater - Crossocheilus Siamensis

Siamese Algae Eater

Crossocheilus Siamensis

Paradise Fish - Macropodus Opercularis

Paradise Fish

Macropodus Opercularis

There may be confrontations over the territory, but if the space is sufficient, several specimens may coexist in the space, it is recommended to have caves and places where they can take refuge.

Butterfly Loach - Beaufortia leveretti

Butterfly Loach

Beaufortia leveretti

Showdown over territory (10 Species)

Fish can live together as long as the space is spacious enough to delimit a territory, otherwise there may be aggressions for competing for the territory.

Golden Royal Pleco - Sturisoma aureum

Golden Royal Pleco

Sturisoma aureum

Striped Raphael Catfish - Platydoras costatus

Striped Raphael Catfish

Platydoras costatus

Coolie loach - Pangio kuhlii

Coolie loach

Pangio kuhlii

Galaxy Plecostomus - Leporacanthicus sp L240

Galaxy Plecostomus

Leporacanthicus sp L240

Dwarf marbled catfish - Microglanis poecilus

Dwarf marbled catfish

Microglanis poecilus

Wasp Goby - Brachygobius Xanthozona

Wasp Goby

Brachygobius Xanthozona

Kribensis Cichlid - Pelvicachromis pulcher

Kribensis Cichlid

Pelvicachromis pulcher

As these fish like to be sheltered in different locations in the aquarium, whether in plants, logs, rocks, etc., if another fish tries to enter where it is hidden, there could be confrontations for that shelter.

Dragon Violet Goby - Gobioides broussonnetii

Dragon Violet Goby

Gobioides broussonnetii

Considerable size difference (25 Species)

They can coexist while they are similar in size or the size difference is not very abysmal, since as the fish grows it increases the chances of eating its partner that did not grow much.

Common carp - Cyprinus carpio

Common carp

Cyprinus carpio

Sun Catfish - Horabagrus brachysoma

Sun Catfish

Horabagrus brachysoma

Cherry Barb - Barbus titteya

Cherry Barb

Barbus titteya

Filamented Rainbowfish - Iriatherina Werneri

Filamented Rainbowfish

Iriatherina Werneri

Endler Guppy Fish - Poecilia Wingei

Endler Guppy Fish

Poecilia Wingei

Caridina Shrimp - Caridina cf. Cantonensis

Caridina Shrimp

Caridina cf. Cantonensis

Nerite Snail - Neritina sp

Nerite Snail

Neritina sp

Clown Pleco - Panaqolus maccus

Clown Pleco

Panaqolus maccus

Royal Pleco - Panaque nigrolineatus

Royal Pleco

Panaque nigrolineatus

Congo Tetra - Phenacogrammus interruptus

Congo Tetra

Phenacogrammus interruptus

Lacustris Rainbowfish - Melanotaenia lacustris

Lacustris Rainbowfish

Melanotaenia lacustris

Preacox Rainbowfish - Melanotaenia preacox

Preacox Rainbowfish

Melanotaenia preacox

Stiphodon Ornatus - Stiphodon ornatus

Stiphodon Ornatus

Stiphodon ornatus

Anentome Helena - Anentome helena

Anentome Helena

Anentome helena

IndoPlanorbis Exustus - Planorbis planorbis

IndoPlanorbis Exustus

Planorbis planorbis

Horned Snail - Tyloperlamania sp

Horned Snail

Tyloperlamania sp

Red Cherry - Neocaridina davidi

Red Cherry

Neocaridina davidi

Amano Shrimp - Caridina multidentata

Amano Shrimp

Caridina multidentata

Blue Bee Shrimp - Paracaridina sp

Blue Bee Shrimp

Paracaridina sp

Florida Dwarf Crayfish - Cambarellus diminutus

Florida Dwarf Crayfish

Cambarellus diminutus

Red-Backed Tetra - Hyphessobrycon bentosi

Red-Backed Tetra

Hyphessobrycon bentosi

Lemon Tetra - Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis

Lemon Tetra

Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis

Medaka Fish - Oryzias latipes

Medaka Fish

Oryzias latipes

Dwarf Swordtail - Heterandria formosa

Dwarf Swordtail

Heterandria formosa

Food competition (3 Species)

They can live together but you have to be careful since it is likely that the fastest fish will take all the food and leave nothing for their partners who are slow swimmers, so you have to make sure that everyone can eat.

Bubble Eye Goldfish - Carassius auratus IV

Bubble Eye Goldfish

Carassius auratus IV

Celestial eye goldfish - Carassius auratus V

Celestial eye goldfish

Carassius auratus V

Tetraodon Nigroviridis - Tetraodon Nigroviridis

Tetraodon Nigroviridis

Tetraodon Nigroviridis

Compatible if space is enough (5 Species)

They can coexist together if the aquarium they share is large and spacious enough for both species to feel good, as some fish may attack others to feel that they have little space and try to eliminate the competition.

Black Skirt Tetra - Gymnocorymbus ternetzi

Black Skirt Tetra

Gymnocorymbus ternetzi

Leopard Cactus Pleco - Hypancistrus Furunculus L199

Leopard Cactus Pleco

Hypancistrus Furunculus L199

Multis Fish - Neolamprologus multifasciatus

Multis Fish

Neolamprologus multifasciatus

Dwarf Cichlid - Apistogramma borellii

Dwarf Cichlid

Apistogramma borellii

Filamentous Tetra - Dicrossus filamentosus

Filamentous Tetra

Dicrossus filamentosus

Butterfly Loach

Beaufortia leveretti

Butterfly Loach - Beaufortia leveretti
  • Ph: 6.6 - 7.5
  • Temperature (c°): 18 - 24
  • Measures: 6 cm - 10cm
  • Aquarium Capacity:
    15 Liters - 4 Gallons
  • Alimentación: Filters, Herbivores
  • Colores: Brown, Green, Gris
  • Comportamiento: Likes to take refuge, Night, Peaceful, Territorial with its species
  • Habitad: Asian
  • Preferencias del Acuario: Caves, Logs, Natural plants, Rocks
  • Tamaño: Medium
  • Taxonomía: Fish
  • Tipo de Agua: Sweet water, Tropical waters
  • Zona de Nado: Aquarium background